Gay massage orlando florida

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Our offerings are in service to the divine in you. It’s hard to stay on an awakened path or live mindfully when you are mentally stressed, have an aching body, repressed emotions, sexual dysfunction, shame, fear, stagnant energy and other physical and mental blockages. Our Tantric bodywork is about meeting you where you are at, and helping you along your path to a more blissful life. It is inspired by classical Tantra, not strict to ancient texts, rituals, or lineage, but an east west fusion as we like to think of it. The form of Tantra that we practice is considered Neo (new or modern) Tantra. The realization that all of the energy flowing in every atom of me is also flowing in all of life, I am it and it is me. The goal of our spiritual journey in this life is to reach the higher level of consciousness and connectedness within ourselves, to each other, the planet and the cosmos, or source energy as we like to call it. Fully uniting them to raise your vibration and consciousness, to reach levels of physical, and then spiritual, ecstasy. It is done through self care of the physical, mental and energetic bodies. We are Carl and Lady Raven of East West Tantra and for us, Tantra is the expansion of the self. Visit us at Tantra Massage Orlando | Orlando, Florida | East West Tantra Our Tantric Massage Orlando service is open to all genders, couples and poly relationships.

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Listing Description Tantric Massage Orlando Orlando, Florida

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